Saturday, April 21, 2012

Arti Cinta :)

CINTA itu ???

  • Seperti Agama ; Butuh Kepercayaan
  • Seperti PPKN - Saling Menghargai
  • Seperti Bahasa - Mempunyai Arti
  • Seperti Sejarah - Memiliki Masa Lalu
  • Seperti Matematika - Butuh Perhitungan
  • Seperti Ekonomi - Saling Membutuhkan
  • Seperti Fisika - Punya Daya Tarik
  • Seperti Biologi - Saling Berinteraksi
  • Seperti Kimia - Mempunyai Reaksi
Tapi haruskah CINTA seperti Pendidikan Jasmani yang Butuh Praktek ??

*Copy paste dari SMS gak jelas :D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wasting Time - angry


You said playing with a kid like me was just a waste of time...


If I waste your time,
Why do you keep replying to my texts?
If I waste your time,
Why do you look so happy when I say I want you
If I waste your time,
Why did you reply to me after 6 months without a word?

If I waste your time, you should stop replying to me forever.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yes or No or Never

Is it really that hard to type those words?
Yes or No or Never
Just for one answer
Don't you know very well that I will wait forever?
How could you do that to me?
Making me wait for you forever

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy National Kiss Day

Aneh-aneh aja..
Emang ada hari seperti itu ?
Tapi itu yang ada di TTWW
Trending Topic World Wide-nya Twitter 13 April 2012

Ada atau tidaknya hari ini
Yang jelas..

"I won't forget the way you're kissing" 

Sweet Sweet Cuit Cuit Cuit

I love you Michael Learn To Rock

Happy National Kissing day epribode.. :-)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just to Meet..

Should I turn into someone else?
Just to meet
Just to be able to talk to you :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's Answered

It's Answered
After 164 days answered
I don't understand the sentence :)
The only thing visible is this sign ==>
I do not know,
I don't care if it's cursing or ignorance
As far as I know,
After 164 days
It's been answered :)


In the past
I often tease him
In the name of fun to cover up longing

But now
I tease him more often.
In the name of a longing to have fun

Longing that turns into fun
Longing that turns into fun
It felt like a fun and tiring tease.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

He Won

I know he won
Won my heart with his pranks

I saw him laugh
Like the world in his hands

Monday, April 9, 2012


How long will our world be like this ..?
How long will our world be covered by silence ?

Why do you always like this ?
Why do you always follow my childish ?
Why you are who supposed to be more mature and take care of me become more childish than me now??

MEN will always be BOYS

Rindu Dalam Diam

At every meeting
Whatever time it is
Wherever that may be
I was silent and speechless..
Without being able to express it..
All the secrets hidden inside my heart.
I miss you .
Can you read it in my silence?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Seseorang yang mencintaimu

Seseorang yg mencintaimu akan mengingat setiap kata yg kamu ucapkan,
bahkan yg tdk sengaja kamu ucapkan.
Dan dia akan selalu menggunakan kata-kata itu tepat waktunya.

Seseorang yang mencintaimu,
selalu memanggil kamu dengan sebutan gadis kecil ,
tapi sewaktu dia diharuskan untuk membuat keputusan besar,
Saran orang pertama yang ingin didengarnya adalah dari kamu..

*Copas email :D

Iseng VS Kangen

Just for fun.
That was the word he used as the reason for the text messages he sent today...

Now I'm asking...
Is it right to use "Just for fun" as a reason for his texts to wake you up in the morning?
Is it right to use "Just for fun" as a reason for his texts to remind you to wear a black band on your left arm tomorrow morning?
Is it right to use "Just for fun" as a reason for his texts, "Are you asleep?"?

"Just for fun"
Was 'Just for fun' really the reason he texted after half a year of no contact?

"Just for fun"
If I may have an opinion...
The texts he sent today was longing.
Learn to admit that.

Menghapus Ingatan

Kamu pernah nonton film Men in Black ?
Didalam film itu ada alat yg dapat menghapus ingatan tiap kita melihatnya..
Aku harap aku juga memiliki alat itu..
Pertama menghapus ingatan orang-orang..
Menghapus ingatanmu..
Dan.. Menghapus ingatanku..
Lalu kembali ke masa tidak jatuh cinta..
Ke masa tidak tersisa apa-apa..
Kalau ingatan terhapus.. Perasaanpun terhapus..
Kesedihan, keserakahan, kenangan juga..
Semuanya akan lenyap bukan?
Tapi entah mengapa?
Kadang-kadang hatiku..
Terasa sakit tanpa alasan..

By Chae Kyong - Goong 17

I Like You

I like you..
No matter how much I've tried not to like you..
Even though Ive tried to erase the feeling..
I can't...
Till the point where I'm just frustrated..
I still like you..


Although Superman flew me to the moon...
Even though Hiro asked me to explore the future...
Even though Harry Potter hid me under his cloak.
Even though I ran as far as I could.
Even though the darkness of the night makes me disappear.
Wherever I go.
I will definitely still be found by you.

Tell me .

Did you plant a GPS in me so I can never hide from you??



That is, you.
Who always smiles when I hate you.
Who always looks for me every time I disappear from your eyes.
Who always tries to reach me every time I avoid you.

That is, you.
Who always wants me by your side.
Who always wants me to surround you.
Who always and always wants me to adore you.

Don't you realize that?
In your silence and ignorance.
You have bound yourself to me...

Bolehkah ?

Ada yg pernah bilang padaku :
"Kalo kangen kirim sms aja, gak dilarang koq."

Sekarang aku bertanya :
"Bolehkah dikirim sekarang ?"


Aku hanya ingin bertemu denganmu..
Walau kurang dari lima menit..
Hanya hari ini..