Thursday, November 16, 2017

Me & Jung Joon Young, The Sadness of Seoul leaf flowers story :) - Preparation

Korea adalah salah satu negara yang wajib dijadikan destinasi bagi saya yang pencinta berat Kdrama. Dan lucunya preparation untuk perjalanan kali ini lebih drama daripada Kdrama itu sendiri.

Dimulai dengan freeseat Airasia dibulan September 2016 yang hanya di bandrol 1,6juta, kami pun buru-buru booking one way CGK - ICN tanggal 12 October 2017. Alasan booking oneway karena kami galau ingin mampir ke Jeju atau Busan. Sedang promo tiket combo murah dari maskapai penerbangan lain rata-rata mengharuskan booking roundtrip.

Monday, October 16, 2017


We said that we wouldn’t change. 
We swore that we wouldn’t change until we died
We thought we wouldn’t change. 
We thought we were enough for each other. 
Who’s the bad one here? 
Is the one who changed the bad one? 
Or the one who couldn’t change?”
You and I are like puzzle pieces that don’t fit. 
If we force the pieces together, we end up hurting each other. If I make myself smaller because I’m scared of hurting someone I like, the jagged parts stab me. 
When I get closer, it hurts, and when we grow farther apart I feel like dying.”

Yeji - Age of Youth 2 Ep.14